Abstract Submissions
For the 9th Annual SANRC FYE Conference, 22-24 May 2024
Submission Process
The Conference Organising Committee welcomes papers from a wide variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.
Submissions should speak to the overall conference theme, as well as the thematic streams noted below:
- Teaching and learning
- Student success collaboration
- Innovation and technology
- Student development and/or well-being
- Transformation and social justice
- Theoretical frameworks for First-Year Experience, student transitions and student success
- Any and other key issues of concern for students in relation to First-Year Experience, student transitions and student success.
We accept abstract submissions in the following formats:
- Full Critical Academic Papers
- Reflective Practitioner Papers
- Student Papers: Research Done by Students
- Work-in-Progress Reports or Proposals for Future Research
Abstracts will be subject to a blind peer review process. Abstracts should be double-spaced and written in Arial Font, size 11. Abstracts should also be limited to 250-300 words.
Please submit your proposals in a Word format to both